Murder in the City of Saints Wiki
Welcome to the Murder in the City of Saints Wiki!

Las Costas: Bright lights, dazzling stars, massive wealth, and crippling poverty. Celebrities of screen and sellers of death. Bodies turn up in the city everyday and end up ignored, either through incompetence or bribes. But this one is different, even though the story is the same as all the others. A wannabe starlet enamored by the big lights coming out to the city to not even rise above the rung of would-be. Hypothetically, she should end up the middle of some pile of unsolved cases shoved in a filing cabinet somewhere, but something's different, mainly, you've been paid a more than substantial fee to track down her killer, which has upgraded it from not-your-problem to front of the line. Find her murderer and bring them to justice, just try not to be blinded by the lights.

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